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Cocooned to Fly
Feb 23, 20234 min read
Slowly nightweaning my almost 3 year old, will we succeed this time? (part 2/3)
Part 2 of my gently night weaning journey with my almost 3 year old. Will we succeed this time?
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Cocooned to Fly
Feb 22, 20233 min read
Respectful Parenting, what does that mean?
As I am embarking on the journey of writing on the topic of respectful parenthood, I feel to start with what it means to me. I have...
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Cocooned to Fly
Feb 22, 20232 min read
'How we can contribute to a different world, as a parent'
If we were all really connected and tuned in with life and ourselves, if we ourselves were truly mature and balanced individuals with the...
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Cocooned to Fly
Jan 30, 20234 min read
This is what you can do to regulate yourself as a parent. When it becomes too much.
It creeps up out of nowhere. Unseen it flows into your mind and your body. It found its way in the early morning hours when you wanted...
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Cocooned to Fly
Aug 18, 20225 min read
Gently night weaning my 3 year old daughter. Will we succeed this time? (part 1/3)
'It was difficult wasn't it sweety, that you weren't able to nurse anymore. 'Yes, but mama was there to comfort me' It's January 2023. My...
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